(if you're having trouble viewing the jpgs, please paste these into a document. Give the Parent letter to your guardian. Print, sign and bring the permission slip with you!
Foundry Youth Camping Trip – 2010
Parent info. Sheet
Dear Parents,
We’re so excited to have your student camping with us this weekend – it’s going to be a great experience. I want to make sure you have all of the information you need to know about the trip:
- We will be tent camping at Champoeg State Park, which is 6 miles SE of Newberg along the Willamette River. Restrooms/changing areas and showers are available.
- We will arrive at the park around 1:30 in the afternoon on Sunday, (those riding down with me will leave Tigard a little before 1:00,) and will wrap up our time together at 11:00 am on Monday, at which time they can be picked up or I can transport them home, (whichever you’ve indicated on the permission slip.)
- Boys and Girls will have separate tents and changing areas, buddy system will be used for activities and there will be an adult chaperone at each tent site to ensure the safety of all students.
- Students are being asked to bring clothes which are modest and they don’t mind getting dirty/wet, and to wear sturdy shoes since we will be outside and hiking.
- We will be having Hot dogs for dinner, s’mores for dessert, and pancakes for breakfast. Feel free to send snacks or alternative foods if your student has special dietary needs.
General schedule of events:
Sunday afternoon: Group games, Ultimate Frisbee, scavenger hunt, hiking opportunity etc.
Sunday evening: dinner, campfire, group activities, games, quiet time.
Monday morning: breakfast, clean up campsite, small group hike and chat time.
If there’s anything information I’ve missed, or you have any questions please contact me at: 503-537-8489, or
Katie Stevens, Pastor to Youth and Children at the Foundry Community
Foundry Youth Camping Trip Permission Form
Student’s Name:________________________ Date of Birth:_______ Grade: ____
Emergency Contact #1:________________________________________________
(W) Phone: (____)________________ (H) Phone :(____)_______________
Emergency Contact #2:________________________________________________
(W) Phone: (____)_________________ (H) Phone: (____)_______________
Health/Med. Ins. Co. :________________________
Policy Number: _____________________________
Does the student have any medical conditions, food allergies or special needs that we should be aware of? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please check/fill in one of these:
- My student will be picked up by_______________________
- Please transport my student home following the event. _____
As a parent/legal guardian of _________________, I have reviewed the information about the Champoeg camping trip with the youth from The Foundry Community, July 18-19 2010, and give permission for the subject of this release to be involved in the overall activities of this event. I/We understand all reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by The Foundry Community and its agents during the events and activities. I/We authorize any treatment by an accredited hospital and/or physician deemed necessary for the subject of the release in case of an emergency. I/We understand the possibility of unforeseen hazards and know the inherent possibility of risk. I/We agree not to hold The Foundry Community, its leaders, employees, and volunteer staff liable for damages, losses, diseases, or injuries incurred by the subject of this form.
Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print):________________________________ Parent /Guardian Signature:_______________________________________ Date:______________