Sunday, September 13, 2009

Devo from Luke

As many of you know, Nichole (My girlfriend) and I just recently broke up. This has not been as painful as you would expect. Many have said that break-ups are one of the worst pains you can experience. Why? Because it is so damaging. It causes friends to take sides, it causes a friendship to dwindle, and most of all, it separates love. Now, I have many different paths that I could take past this. But, when we look at the bible, we find what we SHOULD do, versus what we want to do: "...but those who hope in the LORD, will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."-Isaiah 40:31. Popular artist Lincoln Brewster re-wrote this as the song "Strength Will Rise". Think about that thought for a moment: Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord. We can try to do things on our OWN strength, by acting on our own thoughts and intuitions. Or, we can get an innumerably greater strength through God, if we just...wait. No acting, no thinking. Just wait. God will give you the strength, yes, but even more important, he will give you the plan. In the novel The Crucible, a character by the name of Giles Corey is told to give up a piece of information to expose his friend of witchcraft, even though his friend was innocent. Giles Corey found the strength from God that, even unto his death, would not admit to false information. Is that you? Do you have a weight pressing down on you that you feel may crush you? We need to wait on the Lord, which doesn't necessarily mean that we sit on our hands and whistle "Zippidy Doo Dah". Waiting also meant the idea of serving one who was greater than us. We see this (mildly) in restaurants. Waiters would, well, WAIT on the customer, so that they could serve them. So, where do you need to wait on the Lord, in order to serve him? Everlasting God There's the song by Lincoln Brewster. Also, here's a song from an older group named Petra, who also did a song by that verse- More Power To Ya.

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