Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hey guys and gals =)

The Haiti serve trip has been OFFICIALLY locked in for spring break 2012!

Be in prayer about whether you are called to join this team for a life-changing week of service!!!

Deadline to reserve your spot is August 31st, so be talking with parents and friends who might be interested and work on your decision.

Things to help your discernment process:
- Visit the REAL Life Exhibit in Tigard.
- Talk with someone who's been on a similar trip about their experience (Christian and Lisa have been and are going again next month)
- Write a letter to our sponsor student.
- Pray about what God is calling you to do.
- Call me with any questions you or your parents may have.

ALSO~ once we have our trip team together, we will reschedule the Famine for Haiti event =)

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

"Like!" sorry..there's no like button on Blogger...but there should be! :)

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